Calling all Early Childhood Educators!!

What if you could finally put your skills, ideas, and passion for early childhood education to good use and create a dynamic, engaging classroom environment?

What if you could finally have the classroom success and student engagement you deserve as a teacher?

You're probably looking for more impact in your classroom...and a little more student engagement would be nice too.

You've seen other teachers successfully implement loose parts play... but how the heck are they creating such dynamic and engaging environments?

You're right about one thing. Educators have a variety of skills, and those skills are perfect for fostering creativity and engagement in the classroom. There are teachers transforming their classrooms with loose parts, enhancing play-based learning, and seeing incredible results in student engagement and development.

Teachers are talented. (And yes, YOU are one of these talented teachers!)

You may have dreamed of having the impact that incorporating loose parts can bring, or maybe you've already seen some success with play-based learning! But you haven't found your way to seamlessly integrating loose parts into your daily routine yet.

Can I be honest for a sec? It's no wonder you're stuck.

There's so much conflicting information out there about how to start and grow a loose parts program. Some of that information is just plain WRONG or FLUFF...

...and some of that advice is actually from people who are experts in education theory but don't have a clue about the practical challenges teachers face!

It's time to cut through that noise and actually get your loose parts play plan clarified and moving in the next few days.

Imagine if ...

  • You knew exactly how to transform your classroom with loose parts play

  • You had a clear, do-able plan that provided a solid foundation

  • You were able to stay laser-focused on only the strategies that enhance student engagement and foster creativity

  • You had a mentor and a supportive community surrounding you, so you could achieve the success you and your students deserve

Hi, I'm Melysa.

I'm Melysa, NYC public school Pre-K teacher, boy mom, coffee fanatic, teacherpreneur, and spreader of the play-based love.

I’m here for teachers like YOU who are ready to transform their classrooms with loose parts play (without giving up tons of extra time).

Did you catch my recent webinar where I shared the story of how I revolutionized my teaching approach with loose parts play? Here's the short version:

After years of teaching 1-1 and as assistants or co-leads in classrooms, I was feeling overwhelmed and frustrated with traditional methods. I was ready to turn my learning into my own ideas. Deep down, I knew I had the drive and determination to impact my students in a big way through creative, play-based learning. I also knew my students deserved a more engaging and enriching learning environment.

I had a moment in my first classroom as the solo head teacher (sitting in my classroom after hours) when I realized I had a mission. Using the skills I’d developed as a forever learner, reading articles, books, and visiting child-led play-based settings, I could help other educators transform their classrooms with the power of loose parts play and just PLAY in general.

Since that moment, I’ve helped numerous teachers enhance student engagement and foster creativity through play-based learning.

Now, I’ve launched the 5-Day Loose Parts Challenge to help early childhood educators like you bring this innovative approach to your classrooms, ensuring you have all the tools and support you need to succeed.

Every teacher has something unique to offer, and I love helping educators sort through the confusion and overwhelm, so they can find their way to successfully implementing loose parts play in their classrooms. Together, we can make the impact you were meant to make, fostering creativity and engagement in your students, while creating the classroom environment they deserve.

Are you ready to...

  • Figure Out (Once and For All) How to Implement Loose Parts Play and Transform Your Classroom

  • Create an engaging and dynamic classroom environment that fosters creativity and exploration.

  • Have the tools and knowledge to introduce loose parts play effectively, enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.

  • Finally figure out how to spend most of your time in the fun teaching zone, focusing on what you love without the overwhelm of planning and setup.

  • See your impact ripple out as your students thrive in a more creative, play-based learning environment.

  • Gain practical strategies that save you time and effort, allowing you to enjoy teaching without the stress.

    Join the 5-Day Loose Parts Challenge and revolutionize your classroom with innovative play-based learning techniques!


The Loos Parts Challenge

A 5-Day Loose Parts Challenge for Educators Who Want to Transform Their Classrooms with Creative Play-Based Learning for $47

Available July 21st

What You'll Learn

Develop a Comprehensive Understanding of Loose Parts

Build a solid foundation for incorporating loose parts into your classroom with a clear, actionable plan that ignites creativity and enhances student engagement. Just like every successful educator starts with a well-thought-out strategy, you'll begin your loose parts journey with a deep understanding of their benefits and applications.

Many educators make the mistake of thinking, "I'll just figure it out as I go!" But not you, savvy teacher! You're going to do this right from the start.

A Plan for Building and Organizing a Loose Parts Collection

Confidently curate and organize your loose parts collection with ease. Develop a plan that simplifies the process, ensuring you have a diverse and engaging selection of materials ready for your students.

With a well-structured plan, you'll be able to set up your loose parts collection effortlessly and ensure it stands out as a valuable resource in your classroom. No more guesswork—just a streamlined approach that makes incorporating loose parts a breeze, even if you’re new to this concept

Learn How to Manage Loose Parts Effectively

Implement a solid strategy for managing loose parts in your classroom. Discover techniques that work best for you and your teaching style, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

Put your management strategy on autopilot, so you can enjoy the benefits of loose parts play without spending tons of extra time on organization and maintenance.

Discover Creative Ideas for Using Loose Parts

Unlock a wealth of creative ideas for incorporating loose parts into your classroom activities. See the transformative impact on student engagement and development, as these versatile materials spark imagination and exploration.

Feel empowered and excited to share the benefits of loose parts play with your students and colleagues. Watch your classroom come to life with innovative and impactful learning experiences, all while fostering a love for creativity and discovery.

Sneek Peak Inside

Day One: Introduction to Loose Parts

Dive into the world of loose parts and discover how to effectively incorporate them into your classroom.

Learn the fundamental concepts behind loose parts play and understand their immense benefits for early childhood development. We'll explore various types of loose parts, their uses, and how to seamlessly integrate them into your daily activities.

By the end of Day One, you’ll have a clear understanding of what loose parts are, how they enhance learning, and a solid plan for starting your loose parts journey. You'll be equipped with the knowledge to begin creating an engaging and dynamic classroom environment that encourages creativity and exploration.

Day Two: Benefits of Loose Parts

Discover the powerful benefits of loose parts play and how they set your classroom apart.

Using our method, we will define the specific advantages that loose parts bring to early childhood education and why they are a game-changer for your teaching approach. Learn how to communicate these benefits effectively in your classroom setup, parent communications, and lesson plans.

By the end of Day Two, you'll know exactly what makes loose parts play so impactful and how to convey this to your students, parents, and colleagues with confidence. Walk away with compelling insights and strategies to highlight the transformative power of loose parts in your educational environment.

Day Three: Sourcing Loose Parts

Learn how to effectively source and gather a diverse collection of loose parts for your classroom.

Decide which materials are worth your time and effort to collect, and which ones are not.

Develop a routine for consistently sourcing loose parts that fits your schedule and availability.

By the end of Day Three, you will have a personalized plan for sourcing loose parts, ensuring you always have a rich variety of materials to keep your students engaged and inspired. Walk away with your own actionable sourcing plan tailored to your needs and resources.

Day Four: Storing and Organizing Loose Parts

Master the art of storing and organizing your loose parts collection to keep your classroom neat and accessible.

Learn practical strategies for organizing loose parts in a way that is efficient and easy for both you and your students to use. Discover creative storage solutions that maximize space and keep materials tidy.

By the end of Day Four, you'll have a clear plan for storing and organizing your loose parts, ensuring that your classroom remains a well-ordered and inspiring environment. Walk away with actionable tips and solutions to maintain an organized loose parts collection.

Day Five: Loose Parts in Action

Put your loose parts knowledge into practice with engaging, hands-on activities for your students.

Explore a variety of creative and educational ways to use loose parts in your classroom. Learn how to design and facilitate activities that encourage exploration, creativity, and problem-solving.

By the end of Day Five, you'll have a toolkit of loose parts activities ready to implement, ensuring your students benefit from dynamic and stimulating learning experiences. Walk away with practical ideas and plans to bring loose parts play to life in your classroom.

Bonus Day Six: Exclusive Bonuses

As a special bonus, you will receive additional resources to enhance your loose parts journey.

Receive a comprehensive list of play invitations to spark creativity and exploration in your classroom. Gain valuable insights on advocating for the importance of loose parts play and discover how to incorporate loose parts into outdoor environments.

By the end of Bonus Day Six, you'll have a wealth of extra tools and knowledge to fully support and enrich your loose parts implementation, ensuring a vibrant and engaging learning experience for your students.

Available July 21st

What's Included

Comprehensive Loose Parts Play Guide

- Learn everything you need to know about integrating loose parts into your

classroom to enhance learning and creativity.

5 Interactive Video Lessons

- Dive deep into each day's topic with engaging and practical video lessons

that provide clear guidance and inspiration.

A Supportive Community

- Join our exclusive Facebook community, where you can connect with other

educators who are passionate about innovative teaching methods. Share

experiences, ask questions, and find support from your peers.

Lifetime Access

- Enjoy lifetime access to all the challenge materials, so you can revisit the

lessons and resources anytime you need a refresher or new ideas.

Personal Mission

- I’m committed to making sure you walk away feeling inspired and

empowered to transform your teaching with loose parts play.

Connect with Like-Minded Educators

- Network with other educators who share your drive for making a bigger

impact in the classroom. Exchange ideas and support each other in your

teaching journey.

You'll be amazed at what you can accomplish during this challenge! Join us today and start transforming your classroom into a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

Be the first! Because you are here use the code PLAYHERO for a 15% discount for a limited time only!

Exclusive First Customer Discount: Act Now and Transform Your Classroom!

Be one of the first to join our 5-Day Loose Parts Challenge and enjoy an exclusive discount for early birds. By participating in the first iteration of this challenge, you not only benefit from a reduced price but also have the opportunity to offer your insights and feedback, helping us tailor the program to your needs.

Discount available only until July 22nd, 11:59 PM.

Imagine seeing your words right here, sharing your success and experiences with other educators, and letting them know how transformative this challenge has been for you! Don’t miss out on this chance to revolutionize your classroom and be part of something amazing. Act now and secure your spot today for only $47!


Here’s my promise to you - I’m so passionate about helping you transform your classroom with the power of loose parts play that I'm determined to make it as accessible as possible for you to learn these game-changing strategies. This challenge was created to give you a step-by-step plan to cut through the noise and figure out exactly how to integrate loose parts effectively into your teaching.

That's why we're offering this at a no-brainer price... AND we're giving you until the end of the first lesson to change your mind. If you complete the first lesson and realize this isn't for you, just contact us before the next lesson to receive your money back. You can even keep all the valuable insights and ideas you’ve gained!

Join us today and start creating a more dynamic and engaging learning environment for your students.

Let’s take a peek into what not joining the Loose Parts Challenge might look like…

You can stay paralyzed, dreaming about a more engaging and creative classroom, but not taking that next step because you're not sure how to start, or worse... you're stuck overanalyzing every move. You can spend more time searching for ideas and strategies, hoping that you’ll finally find the perfect solution to make your classroom more dynamic.

You can keep going on free educator forums and asking questions like, “How do I integrate loose parts into my curriculum?” Or Googling “Benefits of loose parts play.”

You can keep trying to push down that nagging feeling that you’re not doing enough to foster creativity and critical thinking in your students.

But that’s not the path I want for you.

I’ve created this challenge to help teachers like YOU finally feel relieved that they have a step-by-step plan to put into action. I want you to feel accomplished and ready to transform your classroom with clear, actionable steps laid out. I want you to feel ready to go out into the world and confidently implement loose parts play, like the innovative educator you are!

That’s why your investment in the Loose Parts Challenge will provide you with the guidance to teach you exactly how to do this and give you the support you need to get there in just 5 days all for $47! Available July 21st.

What Questions Do You Have?

1. Why should I participate in the Loose Parts Challenge, and why are loose parts so important?

The Loose Parts Challenge is a comprehensive program designed to help you understand and effectively integrate loose parts play into your classroom. Loose parts are vital because they foster creativity, enhance problem-solving skills, support physical development, and encourage social interactions among children. By joining the challenge, you’ll gain hands-on experience, practical tips, and expert guidance, ensuring you can confidently use loose parts to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment for your students.

3. How much time will I need to dedicate each day to participate fully in the challenge?

We understand that educators have busy schedules. Each daily video lesson is approximately 20 minutes long, and the accompanying activities are designed to be manageable, typically taking an additional 15-30 minutes to complete. You can also engage with the community forum and resources at your own pace, making the challenge flexible and easy to fit into your daily routine.

5. What is your refund policy?

We understand that trying something new can feel like a leap of faith. That's why we offer a full refund if you decide the Loose Parts Challenge isn't for you after completing the first lesson. If you reach the end of the first lesson and realize it's not a fit, simply contact us before the next lesson to receive a full refund. This way, you can explore the challenge risk-free and experience the potential benefits firsthand. We're confident that the resources, support, and community provided will offer significant value and enhance your teaching practices.

2. I’m new to the concept of loose parts. Will the challenge be suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! The Loose Parts Challenge is designed for educators at all levels of experience. Each day’s content builds on the previous one, starting with foundational concepts and progressing to more advanced applications. The challenge includes practical tips, clear examples, and supportive resources to ensure that beginners feel confident and capable of integrating loose parts into their teaching.

4. What if I don’t have a lot of space or resources for loose parts in my classroom?

One of the great things about loose parts is their flexibility. They can be adapted to any space and budget. The challenge provides creative ideas for sourcing materials from everyday items and local environments, as well as tips for setting up both small and large play areas. Even with limited space, you can create a rich and engaging loose parts play environment.

6. What support is available if I have questions or need help during the challenge?

We are here to support you every step of the way. The challenge includes access to a community forum where you can ask questions, share experiences, and get advice from fellow educators and experts. Additionally, our team is available via email to provide direct support and answer any specific questions you might have. You are never alone in this journey!

What Will Classroom Be Like One Week from Now if You Start Today?

It's tempting to say, “Maybe next time.” But think about how much you need something to look forward to right now. More than just a new teaching strategy, you need an escape, a creative outlet, and a supportive community of like-minded educators.

Imagine having a vibrant, engaging classroom where students are excited to learn through play. Picture yourself feeling more inspired and connected, with new ideas and strategies that bring your teaching to life. This is the transformation the Loose Parts Challenge can offer you.

We all have that one pivotal moment that changes everything. This could be your moment. Don’t let it pass by! Get it today for only $47.

Join the Loose Parts Challenge today and take the first step toward a more dynamic and fulfilling teaching experience. See you inside!

Available July 21st